Prof. Dr. Hasan Erdem - Cel mai bine cotat Chirurg Bariatric din Turcia

Operatie Micsorare Stomac

Bypass Gastric

Balon Gastric
Dr. HE Clinica de Obezitate
Oferim servicii de diagnostic și tratament în domeniul chirurgiei obezității cu echipa noastră cu experiență
Specializàcia pal-i kirurgia pal-o obesityto
Sastipasko zutipe baro de calitate
Asistență individuală pentru pacient
Publicația Maśkarthemutne śiàntikane

Prof. Dr. Hasan Erdem

Prof. Dr. Hassan Erdem, s-a născut în 1976 în Hatay. A intrat la Facultatea de Medicină din Istanbul în 1996 și a absolvit în 2002.
După aceea, și-a început specializarea la Clinica de Chirurgie Generală a Spitalului de Formare și Cercetare din Istanbul Bezmialem Vakıf Gureba și a devenit Specialist în Chirurgie Generală în 2008.
După serviciul său obligatoriu la Spitalul de Stat Elbistan între 2009 și 2011, a ocupat funcția de Asistent șef de Chirurgie Generală la Spitalul de Formare și Cercetare Adana Numune, unde a urmat studii în domeniile Laparoscopie Avansată și Chirurgie Robotică.
În 2016 și-a înființat o clinică privată în Istanbul, unde încă lucrează.
La data de 27 august 2018, a primit titlul de Conferențiar.
Aproape 100 dintre articolele naționale și internaționale ale Prof. Dr. Hassan Erdem au fost publicate în diverse reviste, iar el își continuă studiile academice.

Komentari e nasvalenqe

"I came from Germany . I had my Surgery with Dr. Hassan Erdem. I am very satisfied. He was very nice and friendly. He did good Job. The Hospital was very good and the people are nice. They always checked me up. I almost lost 5 kilos in 6 days."

“Had my operation in may 20th it’s now July 17th I’ve lost 20 kilos best thing I ever done. Feel healthier and happier thanks to all the staff an doctors for their help it was much appreciated will be back to visit soon. Thank you so much for everything."

“The best decision I made in my life was having this operation. I had my surgery 5th of July 2018 and went into it weighing 118 kilos and it’s been just over a year I’m 74 kilos. Worth every single penny I spent and the doctors are so motivating and supporting"

“Thank you for everything doctor Hasan. I had gastric sleeve 7.04.2019. I lost 43 kilos. After the surgery, i felt a little pain but that was worthy. Dr Hasan and his team gave me a new life. Now, As if I never lived before. Thank Dr. HE and his team."

"I was searching for this operation for years. I found Turkey and Turkey was a good option. Before the surgery, I was afraid. But Dr. Hasan Erdem and his team helped me a lot. Now, I lost 13 kilos in one month.. I am getting better everyday."

"I was 120kg and now 75kg, it's Dr. Hasan and his team's miracle. From start to end everything is perfect. They always write to me and ask about my health per week. I made a good decision. Of course, I was worried and I was afraid but their energies were wonderful."
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